Güney Erkilic, on the first ever TAPA for Caregivers & Parents in Turkiye
I heard about the TAPACP project for the first time in a TA training in İstanbul. After I learned about the project I decided to go ahead and I made my preparations. I have chosen TAPACP that aims to improve parental skills.
We had a contract with the parents that joined the project. We shared with them a very enjoyable and productive process during 8 weeks of work. After completing the project, the participants were very satisfied with the change in their parenting skills. They told me that they are happier and enjoy more being mothers. I observed that our training had therapeutic effects on some of them. After completing the project they came to see me one to one. They had become more courageous about taking new decisions .
For me this process was important to develop new models of teaching TA concepts to ease the learning process of participants. The core TA theory was always helping me to facilitate my teaching. In addition to that during the TAPACP my leadership skills are improved and my theory knowledge is increased.
I also thank to TAPA National Coordinator Turkey Soley Akten and my supervisor Prof. Dr. Füsun AKKOYUN for their support.