This page is translated from the original Japanese version
Welcome to Japan’s TA Skills Awards webpage!
TAPA (TA Proficiency Award, TA Skills Award)
- TAPA began in the UK in 2010 and is now implemented in Armenia, Croatia, Germany, Guatemala, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Macedonia, the Netherlands, Serbia, South Africa, Taiwan, Turkey and the Czech Republic.
Originally intended for children, it is now also designed for educators, teachers, and a wide range of professionals, including school helpers and assistants, parents and care workers, special needs children and those who care for them, the unemployed, coaches, and police officers. We want to introduce this program to more people.
- TAPA is an initiative to help you build better relationships by increasing awareness about yourself as a result of learning interaction analysis
- TAPA was started as a social initiative, so its operation is mostly conducted by volunteers
- TAPA will celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2020 and has moved from the original IDTA (Transactional Analysis Association) to ICTAQ (International Transactional Analysis Qualification Centre). This puts TA in a position comparable to a wide range of professional qualifications aimed at individuals, families, organizations, etc. who are consultants, educators, coaches, counselors, human resources departments, social workers, etc. Means. If you want to learn more after TAPA, there may be a way to pursue professional qualifications
- ICTAQ is also the home of the open IJTARP (Journal of International Exchange Analysis and Practice Research) that anyone can access
- TAPA has been offering online courses even before the appearance of the coronavirus
TAPA Practices
At TAPA, we create a portfolio that shows awareness and learning gained through learning with peers (both children and adults). TAPA aims to grow everyone involved.
TAPA emphasizes that participants are positively involved throughout the TA-based learning process. Various methods and resources can be utilized to learn TA. The person who teaches TA has been studying TA for more than 2 years and involved in continuous training in the developmental field. The person assessing the learner’s portfolio is a certified TA practitioner, to ensure a high standard of TAPA. Participants can pursue further studies should they wish.
TAPA types
(1) TAPACY TAPACY (Children & Young People) For Children and Youth
(2) TAPATE (Teachers & Educators) for teachers and educators
(3) TAPACP (Caregivers & Parents) Care Providers, For Parents
(4) TAPAHA (Helpers & Assists) for helpers and assistants
(5) TAPDA (Personal or Professional Award) for individuals and professionals
If you want to learn more professionally
(6) Advanced TAPDA (this is operated by ICDTA)
TAPA process
① Contact the National Coordinator
② Contracts
③ TA learning
④ Portfolio to show TA understanding and applications
⑤ Send in portfolio for assessment
⑥ Feedback on portfolio
⑦ Award given
Examples of TA concepts learned within TAPA
PAC Model / Ego State | A triangular view of a drama | Stroke | Working style / Driver |
Discount / Steps to Success | Window on the World / Position of Life | Script | Games |
Racket feeling | Transaction | Contract | Time structuring |
The awards focus on the understanding and application part. Participants show it in a wide range of forms such as; text, worksheets, pictures and diagrams, videos, photos, drawings, clay, craftwork, audiotapes, tv and media-based work, web-based reactions, etc.
People who do assessments
- Have professional experience in the context of developmental TA
- Have worked with children and young people
- Has at least two years of study under internationally accredited TA trainees and supervisors in the field of DTA, or is qualified as a contract trainee required by IDTA regulations
- Are internationally accredited TA trainers in the field of developmental transactional analysis, with ongoing supervision of supervisors, and continued professional education
- Are a member of IDTA or other TA Associations and comply with their standards and ethics
About costs and charges
TAPA maintains a position of fairness and “cost” principles, activities are not for commercial purposes.
What is DTA (Developmental Transactional Analysis)?
Transactional analysis is social psychology, a person’s personality theory and a systemic approach to organizational, group, and individual growth and individual change.
In the past, the application of TA in fields other than medical therapy was known as a special field. We introduced the term DTA (Developmental Transactional Analysis) focusing on development rather than pathology. DTA is applicable to educators, consultants, trainers, facilitators, teachers, coaches, mentors, counsellors, mediators, social workers, parents, youth workers, advisors, HR professionals, managers, directors, and everyone who promotes human development.
If you have any questions, please contact the Coordinator Rie Miura at [email protected] ⭐️
Students Receiving Certificates
Example Portfolios
Comments from those who studied in the TAPA course
TA learning time was the most precious time!
After learning TA, I began to think in terms of strokes, and transactions, whenever I face problems at work or in my daily interactions with children. It gives me more options.
When things do not go well, I used to blame myself or others. But now instead of being negative, I learned to think positively and use my energy to figure out how to make it work
Through OK-OK position, I learned various ways to maintain my healthy position. I am empowered to make my own decision and feels good about it
The concept of transactions gave me various options of interaction with difficult colleagues
This is a message from a person who took the course two years ago, returned home, moved even within Japan, facing many challenges.(during Covid-19)
It’s a bit of a tough situation right now, but even at times like this, thanks to my TA learning I can maintain good balance with others and stay healthy mentally
TA also taught me the joy of learning (^^)
The national co-ordinator in Japan is Rie Miura. She can be reached at: [email protected]