Privacy Policy

ICTAQ – the International Centre for Transactional Analysis Qualifications CIC – is a non-profit community interest company established in the UK.

Our Executive Director, Julie Hay, is our data controller, data processor and data control officer and pays personal attention to how we maintain information about those who contact us. We rarely send out bulk mailings, and if we do we use a reputable mailing service that will ask for opt in. Our website uses cookies to collect the usual types of visitor information for analysis and you can set your browser not to accept these, although some websites will then not function completely.

We process information by storing it within reputable CRM and accounting systems.

We do not provide any information about our contacts to any other organisations.  We will respond simply ‘yes’ or ‘no’ if someone asks whether a named individual or organisation has received a TA Proficiency Award.

Our lawful basis for maintaining records is as defined in the Information Commissioner’s Office (2018): “Contract: the processing is necessary for a contract you have with the individual, or because they have asked you to take specific steps before entering into a contract.” (p.13).

Our intended purposes for maintaining records include:

  • managing the provision of goods or services in line with contractual arrangements
  • advising about potential provision of goods or services that may become contractual arrangements
  • reporting our business results to the relevant authorities (accounts, tax, etc)
  • other purposes as may arise in order to carry out the usual functions of the organisation

We have an ongoing commitment to maintain suitable records of volunteer and/or student status and qualifications and to confirm these in response to bona fide enquiries.

Information kept by us includes, where relevant and known, the following within our database for those involved in running TAPA schemes in any way: name, email address(es), address details, telephone and/or other contact details, TA qualifications, membership status, volunteer involvement and service, events attended, original contact method, fees paid, and sometimes notes of conversations that remind us of our discussions with you about TAPA-related matters.

For those who received TAPA Awards, we keep only a sheet listing the date of the awards and the names of those who receive them.

We may store photos, videos or audio recordings, including those provided to us by you, of TAPA sessions, only after you have confirmed agreement to us doing so and sharing them with others. You are still given the right to have any of these items removed from our records at any time.

Reference: Information Commissioner’s Office (2018) Guide to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) accessed 30 August 2020 (note – living document updated regularly)